sean smith's grave alone on a white field. pull back to show the field stretching off into the distance. pull back until the grave is a speck between molecules and a distant edge to the field can be seen. pull back further showing the field is a vast rectangle, and further showing the rectangle is a page of an open book. the book snaps shut and the cover can be read: "history." that would have been a good ending to the movie
Also I cant believe they made another sequel to that meryl streep movie

HenryKrinkle posted:

i bet they didn't even depict him as playing a pretend spaceship management videogame when he died


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

i bet they didn't even depict him as playing a pretend spaceship management videogame when he died

this is why i won't be voting for hillary this year

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
there are still multiple in game memorials to Soldier and Forums' Moderator Vilerat
About Vilerat

There have been 14776 posts made by Vilerat, an average of 2.93 posts per day, since registering on May 11, 2002. Vilerat claims to be a male.

Email: Vilerat@somethingawful.com

Additional Info

Member Since May 11, 2002
Post Count 14776
Post Rate 2.93 per day
Last Post Sep 11, 2012 21:14

swampman posted:

Also I cant believe they made another sequel to that meryl streep movie

Sophie's Chioce?

how can this possibly happen to someone
[account deactivated]
the final stage of irony poisoning is actually normiehood
i wish i had a time machine so i could just go back to LF and troll impper about what he'll eventually end up spending his days doing
me: *appears from up in the clouds over old lf* impper, in days to come your life will be spent hashtagging tweets about clumsy ninja on iphone
og impper: i dont know what any of that means but if i am doing it then it must be cool

swampman posted:


i hope it was at least a nice banner or whatever
y'all can stay in the irony cloud. I'm joining Clumsy Ninja
It's ninja now.
Hypothetical question: what do you think might happen to a 19 year old North Korean citizen caught stealing a sign in an off-limits area of a major tourist hotel in the United States? Do you think he would have to apologize and cry on camera and then be sent home? Think about it, won't you
This guy hasn't been sent home. I think they might keep him for a few months
nice of the dprk to extend his vacation, this is why communism is the best.
turns out the bet was over "dorks", not the DPRK, and his friend made a typo
everything aobut htat picutre is amazing
jon daily jr ftw
fuck hes a human pepe frog
is that really the guy they got to replace jon stewart, wow
though now that i think about it, he is just making jon stewart's face, so i guess that's what people want
the people just want to be able to keep asking the ever eternal question, "is jon stewart a goon?"

[account deactivated]
he died. rest in pee
last i heard he was in an iranian jail or something
[account deactivated]
john daily retired to raise his children in real 'rick moranis' or 'mike myers' kinda move
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just reading the first page of Spooks by emma quangel~