
tpaine posted:

http://www.rhizzone.net/forum/topic/12403/?page=7#post-252580also lesions answer for yourself.

Look. This is what I support for really logical and scientific eugenical reasons.

[account deactivated]
maybe i am thinking about it too narrowly, but when i think of eugenics, i associate that with selective breeding, and cutting up mentally handicapped people. neither of which i think are particularly appealing. even if genes do have an equal influence on character as class, there's still no way to realistically apply eugenics. historically, virtually all eugenic practices have been terrible. but i mean, maybe technology and education is changing that? idk.
yeah a lot has changed. for example: i'm gay now
the more things change the more they stay the same......

AynRandAnCap posted:

when i think of eugenics, i associate that with selective breeding, and cutting up mentally handicapped people.

that's the inevitable result of it

also, have to take into consideration that everything within capitalism will work towards capital accumulation so the notion that "better technology and education will increase moral implementation of ____" is not likely. the "education" component is generally whitewashing and justifying what were previously considered immoral actions.

wow, lotta slippery slopers ITT

roseweird posted:

just think about it, and if it still doesn't make sense to you whatever, forget about it


AmericanNazbro posted:

like, ok, you support the notion of perfecting human beings at the genetic level, but how does one formulate a political ideology based upon that principle? in practice, and not within a hypothetical star trek ideal, which, doesn't even seem plausible given unlimited technology because "perfection" is subjective

Eugenics isnt about creating "perfect" beings, its about weeding out obvious flaws and inherited diseases in order to make the species itself healthier and more genetically robust overall

its also probably the only hope Humanity has left since the only selective survival pressures that remain in our current mode of civilization are split right down the middle between being able to huddle into the tightest possible corner of a UN refugee school and Phone App-Centric Hyperautism

I hate Eugenics!! *uses multiple forms of birth control* *only wants to copulate with healthy attractive people*
vote this post up if you like every glenn beck theme song. also joey please complete the request to allow me to vote on my own posts.

Petrol posted:

Do you, in fact, advocate steps (direct or otherwise) to intervene in human reproduction? What sociocultural changes would you hope to bring about by so doing?

Id be interested in you coming up with a single situation in which Humans DONT intervene in Human reproduction. Its kind of uhh....inherent in the process.


Petrol posted:

Now, to take one of your examples - calorie quotas in Palestine - it's one thing to say that this will affect society in a number of ways. Obviously this is true. But to support a eugenicist position (and to be clear, I'm not saying this is your position), there'd need to be evidence that the calorie quotas imposed on one generation create specific, hereditary biological effects in later generations.


zhyou see, zhey will alwaysch interfene in zhe processz, and are inzhide it, outzhide it and alzho... zhey... *chuckles for like four seconds* zhey are zhe processz. Zho in zhis zenze, zhyou could zhay we zshould kill all zhe gypschziesz
[account deactivated]

glomper_stomper posted:

did the russian military or crimean russians block sevastopol airport?

or something


Superabound posted:

Petrol posted:

Do you, in fact, advocate steps (direct or otherwise) to intervene in human reproduction? What sociocultural changes would you hope to bring about by so doing?

Id be interested in you coming up with a single situation in which Humans DONT intervene in Human reproduction. Its kind of uhh....inherent in the process.

stop oppressing me

[account deactivated]
this thread is now a safe space for eugenics
rw I probaby wouldn't have children with somebody with fragile X does that make me a eugenicist?
a healthy, stable population has diverse genes including faulty genes, unwanted mutations are unavoidable, and it has been shown that DNA is altered by environmental factors, therefore anyone who believes eugenics are possible, is ignorant and foolish
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
from a perspective that considers the dna of the entire biosphere, it's more likely that a second, unspoiled earth will spring into existence via quantum tunneling, than it would be for humans to repair the genetic destruction of the past several centuries
[account deactivated]
change Thelneff's username to FragileXMan
change my username to neXtgenecist
Change roseweird's user name to Sabra GenusSis.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

i don't understand any of those so they aren't funny.


That was my best one . I held back renaming conec "Gattacaca" because I felt it was too on the nose.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

Superabound posted:

Id be interested in you coming up with a single situation in which Humans DONT intervene in Human reproduction. Its kind of uhh....inherent in the process.

i feel like you are misrepresenting petrol's point here. i believe petrol is talking about a third party that is excluded from the reproductive act, that is dictating how the act should occur. imagine some government bureaucrat saying you're too dumb or too weak to have sex. would you support that?

also, i feel as tho comparing eugenics with subjective physical attraction and safe sex is hugely understating the history of eugenics.

X-men is like fifty movies that came out and rocked the page of USA Today every single time. Climb out from under a rock and find your shift keys.
I can't stand, I can't brook this false claim to not get a reference to those movies. I won't stand for it and I won't back down.
Saturday Night Live remains the crowning achievement of a sweaty introvert's career and while I haven't watched it in years I will bet you fifty dollars it had an X-Men skit on it at one point. You people are losing touch with the proletariat.
Do you even know how much those movies made in box office gross in Russia? In Ukraine? You don't even know the cultures of the countries you're discussing. Have you ever gamed with a Russian? Would you even know? I can't stand this place.