according to google, i am the only person to have ever written the phrase "this is what democracy fucks like". pm me for autographs

The head of the paramilitary Basij organization, a less refined version of the Revolutionary Guards, has predicted the end of “the European race.”

“The European race, just like the dinosaurs, is in the process of extinction,” said Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naghdi, according to Fars News agency. Speaking at a cultural event about Iran’s clothing, Naghdi blamed the Europeans’ decline on “the prevalence of homosexuality and living with animals.”

“If 100 years from now, you want to find the European race, you will have to send a research team because they have a declining birth rate,” Naghdi said. “Their economy, culture and morals is in complete decline.”

Will someone please inform the brigadier about otherkins, designer dragon dildos, furries, anime pillow fuckers, adult diaper fetishists, etc


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:


wanna meet that dad
I'm not sure if this question's appropriate for the thread, but I've been questioning my gender identity and wanted to ask if anyone else had experienced this sort of thinking.

I've always identified as a cisgender woman, but having spent five years at a university where violence against women and girls is positively encouraged and we're blamed for our attacks, and seeing a lot of my female friends and family members abused, I've started to hate everything about being female. I've already cut my hair short and I wear masculine clothes and no make-up if I'm going to be outside on my own for a long time so men can't use the "she looked like she wanted it" excuse (which worked on the local police at uni), and I've caught myself using a much deeper voice when I'm at work or talking to strangers than I do when I'm with my friends. My body's all gross lumps and curves with thin hairs instead of straight, thick and hairy and it disgusts me. I don't want to spend another possibly 60 years in a female body, getting older and weaker and more of a target.
No matter what I do, I never feel safe unless I'm with friends. Even though I've moved to an area where the police are slightly more professional, I never leave the house without an improvised weapon and heavy boots, I never sit next to men on the train/wear feminine clothes/leave my drink uncovered/drink alcohol/get in a lift or other enclosed space without another woman or a male friend there/let a man get between me and the nearest exit, and I'm still constantly expecting the next catcall, grope or beating. (FWIW I'm in the UK so I'm not allowed to carry mace or a knife bigger than 3" non-locking to protect myself, and even having a weapon hasn't stopped some girls I know from being attacked in the past - it's very easy to freeze up in fear and not think to use it.)

I'm not sure what that makes me, in terms of gender. I hate being a woman but I still consider myself to be one, and I wouldn't want to insult trans*men by comparing my experience to you guys', because if I hadn't been attacked all those times, I admit I would probably be a happy cisgender woman. But nearly every other woman I know has been molested or stalked or had the shit beaten out of her, and I still think I'm lucky because I was never raped like a lot of my female friends were, so I'd be a statistical impossibility if I were a woman who'd never been attacked. There's nothing biological about me wanting to dissociate from my birth gender, it's entirely based in life experience, so I don't know if transitioning is even something I ought to consider or if a doctor would even offer it, or if it's insulting to people who've had gender dysphoria their whole lives. Is it possible for someone's gender identity to change over their lifetime or are people born trans* or cis?
dear broken unemployable psychofreaks: i have crippling irrational anxiety and paranoia. is castration the answer? please respond in the form of a armchair polemic that validates your own irreversible life choices.

Edited by le_nelson_mandela_face ()


le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

I'm not sure if this question's appropriate for the thread, but I've been questioning my gender identity and wanted to ask if anyone else had experienced this sort of thinking.

I've always identified as a cisgender woman, but having spent five years at a university where violence against women and girls is positively encouraged and we're blamed for our attacks, and seeing a lot of my female friends and family members abused, I've started to hate everything about being female. I've already cut my hair short and I wear masculine clothes and no make-up if I'm going to be outside on my own for a long time so men can't use the "she looked like she wanted it" excuse (which worked on the local police at uni), and I've caught myself using a much deeper voice when I'm at work or talking to strangers than I do when I'm with my friends. My body's all gross lumps and curves with thin hairs instead of straight, thick and hairy and it disgusts me. I don't want to spend another possibly 60 years in a female body, getting older and weaker and more of a target.
No matter what I do, I never feel safe unless I'm with friends. Even though I've moved to an area where the police are slightly more professional, I never leave the house without an improvised weapon and heavy boots, I never sit next to men on the train/wear feminine clothes/leave my drink uncovered/drink alcohol/get in a lift or other enclosed space without another woman or a male friend there/let a man get between me and the nearest exit, and I'm still constantly expecting the next catcall, grope or beating. (FWIW I'm in the UK so I'm not allowed to carry mace or a knife bigger than 3" non-locking to protect myself, and even having a weapon hasn't stopped some girls I know from being attacked in the past - it's very easy to freeze up in fear and not think to use it.)

I'm not sure what that makes me, in terms of gender. I hate being a woman but I still consider myself to be one, and I wouldn't want to insult trans*men by comparing my experience to you guys', because if I hadn't been attacked all those times, I admit I would probably be a happy cisgender woman. But nearly every other woman I know has been molested or stalked or had the shit beaten out of her, and I still think I'm lucky because I was never raped like a lot of my female friends were, so I'd be a statistical impossibility if I were a woman who'd never been attacked. There's nothing biological about me wanting to dissociate from my birth gender, it's entirely based in life experience, so I don't know if transitioning is even something I ought to consider or if a doctor would even offer it, or if it's insulting to people who've had gender dysphoria their whole lives. Is it possible for someone's gender identity to change over their lifetime or are people born trans* or cis?

none of this would even be a problem in roseweird's future

Data collected by a California Coalition Against Sexual Assault report and San Francisco Women Against Rape
found that 1 in 3 lesbians have been sexually assaulted by a woman, and 1 in 4 have experienced violence
within a lesbian relationship.
“California Sexual Assault Report Outlines Alarming GLBT Statistics,” A. Lawlor, 2005 http://www.frostburg.edu/fsu/assets/File/gbv/MCASA%20FactSheet_LGBTQIA.pdf

U sure?

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

dear broken unemployable psychofreaks: i have crippling irrational anxiety and paranoia. is castration the answer? please respond in the form of a armchair polemic that validates your own irreversible life choices.

you mock her, but since shes the only person in her peer group that hasnt ever been violently sexually assaulted she clearly knows what shes doing

is it possible that all of the factors we typically associate with "femininity" which have no basis in actual female biology or dimorphism (long hair, makeup, depilation, artificially hightened vocal register etc., all of which this particular womyn avoids) are in fact subrosa social signifiers broadcasting a willingness and desire to engage in sexual intercourse, most likely originally pioneered by our ancestors' sexual service castes and whose conscious meanings have been long since forgotten? is modern society's "Rape Culture" nothing more than one big wacky cross-generational misunderstanding?
"Look, just because im emitting heightened levels of (E)-9-Oxodec-2-enoic acid does NOT mean im interested in having my clutch of eggs inseminated ok?"
im getting too old and too feminist because i see the new batch of hot girls on the magazine covers and im like, dude, that's a child., but then i see lacey chabert on the maxim cover and i feel my balls twitch like galvanized frog limbs. so all is not lost i guess
oh christ the sox won the series. fuckin massholes are going to be in rare form tomorrow
what a fitting tribute to the police officers that shut down that whole marathon incident within days. from the boys in red to the boys in blue!

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

im getting too old and too feminist because i see the new batch of hot girls on the magazine covers and im like, dude, that's a child., but then i see lacey chabert on the maxim cover and i feel my balls twitch like galvanized frog limbs. so all is not lost i guess

Mmm, Lacey Chabert, sooo hot, haha. I want her to jizz all over me with her tits, or however sex works.

Edited by ilmdge ()


The five months since he met Snowden in Hong Kong have been relentless; they talk almost every day. He lives in limbo. “I feel like if I went back to the United States there is a more than trivial chance I would be arrested,” he says. “Not one of 20 lawyers I have spoken to has said, ‘Oh, you are being paranoid, of course they would never think of arresting you.”’

Would Greenwald enjoy First Amendment protection after publishing top-secret information? The record of the Obama administration is ominous. He says his lawyers are unable to get clarification. His mother in Florida asks: “What if I am on my deathbed and cannot see you?”

lol jewmoms

wot if oy em on moy deeeyethbyed and oy kent see youuu?? Mrs. Greewnald, with a nose like toucan sam, irl

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

im getting too old and too feminist because i see the new batch of hot girls on the magazine covers and im like, dude, that's a child., but then i see lacey chabert on the maxim cover and i feel my balls twitch like galvanized frog limbs. so all is not lost i guess

Woah, getting boners from lacy chabert, I'm starting to remember the 90's here.

Lacey Chabert, Parker Posey, Belladonna, all constant and shameful reminders of Mississippi's white-hot flight problem

MadMedico posted:

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

im getting too old and too feminist because i see the new batch of hot girls on the magazine covers and im like, dude, that's a child., but then i see lacey chabert on the maxim cover and i feel my balls twitch like galvanized frog limbs. so all is not lost i guess

Woah, getting boners from lacy chabert, I'm starting to remember the 90's here.

Only 90s kids will get this (its a boner)

holy fucking shit i love the fucking 90s, ally mcbeal ftw
lacey chabert didn't turn 18 until the year 2000. madmedico is a sick fuck
jeez... go back to tviv dude
"Lacey Chabert, Bela(donna) Lugosi, Snuffleupagus and Parker Posey "
-- Adam Sandler "Real Hebe Roll Call", 1999

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

Judging by the spelling this is probably British, I guess they like to add a touch of melancholy and pathos to their hardcore teen porn.

Madmedico I image a middle aged woman writing all of your posts.
[account deactivated]
i imagine a middle aged woman reading all our posts. shes very disappointed in us
my mom reads posts out to me because i can't read (hi guys!)
I was just at a party and ppl were talking about teach for America and I let a lil bit of the ol Marxism slip because I was full of alcohol and they were like you would think that, Republican. 'And I was like 'you motherfucker.' Sitting drunk next to embarrassed wife trainposting
anyone to the left of bill oreilly will softly whisper "Obamailure"" upon reading bill keller debate glenn greenwald
People I have just made up sometimes ask me goat how.can you b,e a commie with all your wrongthink and I say I only care about three things in order: the exploitation of the third world, marketism and the exploitation of labour power, and the plight of nonwhites. that's it. yeah terrible shame about how you feel like the wrong gender or whatever, but you're still an emaciated slave toiling on a giant mountain of african skulls, can we stay fucking focused here

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

People I have just made up sometimes ask me goat how.can you b,e a commie with all your wrongthink and I say I only care about three things in order: the exploitation of the third world, marketism and the exploitation of labour power, and the plight of nonwhites. that's it. yeah terrible shame about how you feel like the wrong gender or whatever, but you're still an emaciated slave toiling on a giant mountain of african skulls, can we stay fucking focused here

My attitude to them is basically the same as when someone tells their boyfriend or girlfriend just dumped them. I'm sorry to hear that, but your problems are personal problems and have nothing to do with abolishing the rule of capital.

Case in point:

Brand is precisely the sort of swaggering manarchist I usually fancy. His rousing rhetoric, his narcissism, his history of drug abuse and his habit of speaking to and about women as vapid, ‘beautiful’ afterthoughts in a future utopian scenario remind me of every lovely, troubled student demagogue whose casual sexism I ever ignored because I liked their hair. I was proud to be featured in the ‘Revolution’ issue that this magazine put out, proud to be part of the team that produced it. But the discussions that have gone on since about leaders, about iconoclasm and about sexism on the left need to be answered.
It comes up whenever women and girls and their allies are asked to swallow our discomfort and fear for the sake of a brighter tomorrow that somehow never comes, putting our own concerns aside to make things easier for everyone else like good girls are supposed to. It comes up whenever a passionate political group falls apart because of inability to deal properly with male violence against women. Whenever some idiot commentator bawls you out for writing about feminism and therefore 'retreating' into 'identity politics' and thereby distracting attention from 'the real struggle'.

But what is this 'real struggle', if it requires women and girls to suffer structural oppression in silence? What is this 'real struggle' that hands the mic over and over again to powerful, charismatic white men? Can we actually have a revolution that relegates women to the back of the room, that turns vicious when the discussion turns to sexual violence and social equality? What kind of fucking freedom are we fighting for? And whither that elusive, sporadically useful figure, the brocialist?