and replace the word "freud" with the word "marx" you have read the real text
then u have waste your time
the reason zizek initially became famous is because he made the connection between freud-lacan and marx in a similar way actually. he said, well, look, surplus-enjoyment works the same way as surplus-value. like libidinal flows worked like capitalist flows.

getfiscal posted:
the reason zizek initially became famous is because he made the connection between freud-lacan and marx in a similar way actually. he said, well, look, surplus-enjoyment works the same way as surplus-value. like libidinal flows worked like capitalist flows.

i think freud is a strange sort of surrogate for marx in a lot of well known post structuralist texts. like the whinging authors couldn't directly address the system without getting labelled as reactionary. that or its some sort of stockholm syndrome and they are like battered handwringing wives to marxism's drunken husband who comes home and beats them on fridays but they "still love him" inexplicably

i'm not sure if you mean that they are criticizing marx by proxy or criticizing society via marx but hiding it. because they do both haha
i meant proxy criticism of marx. but yeah they do both which is whats irritating cause they make use of marxism as a critical tool but tend to protect it from the sort of criticisms they would make of the system under another name. by "they" i pretty much just mean deleuze i guess
big ziz says that deleuze was planning to write a book on marx before his death
im not saying he wasnt openly critical either since its pretty well documented *shrugs shoulders*