secret muslim 11-dimensional checkmate OR ineffectual Democratic Party symbolic retribution for Mossad Trump coup?
calling it now, if the next few years reveal any foreign government involvement in the 2016 election at all it will be traced back to israel spoofing through russian IPs & absolutely nothing will be done about it
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guess i should add that the motives behind the leaks probably don't matter since no one disputes that it was an indiscriminate dump of genuine high-level communications that revealed things that people had a vested interest in knowing about the campaign for slay queen of the world, with no one seriously claiming anymore that the emails were fake or salted with disinfo or used to blackmail the clinton campaign to change policies or offered first to the trump campaign as leverage or whatever crazy shit liberals seriously believed for like a week and a half
and the moment i type that shit of course

Some of the steps are expected to name individuals associated with a Russian disinformation campaign that US intelligence officials say used hacked information from mostly Democratic Party organizations and officials to attack the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

thats Russian treachery for you, disinformation campaign that secretly contains nothing but the truth,, sad.

israeli whining is starting to get really Soccer Mom. yesterday i read someone defend a Jews-only road with "these are people who THROW ROCKS AT CARS with CHILDREN IN THEM" lmao
settler baby on board

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

israeli whining is starting to get really Soccer Mom. yesterday i read someone defend a Jews-only road with "these are people who THROW ROCKS AT CARS with CHILDREN IN THEM" lmao

just the other day I was privy to a conversation between two soccer moms enthusiastically agreeing with each other that anyone who objects to putting Palestinians in concentration camps (they didn't even use a euphemism!!) was antisemitic and secretly wants all jews to die.

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the long awaited Ki Blast of Barack Obama after 8 years of charging up
but we still haven't even seen Israel's Final Form
Israel is eternally dragging their heels on peace talks so they can continue creeping onto more land and it's really obvious. so diplomatic avenues are closed and if palestinians do anything like throw rocks at a troop then theyre terrorists. hmm seems like israel has all the angles covered
[account deactivated]

postposting posted:

the long awaited Ki Blast of Barack Obama after 8 years of charging up



le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

israeli whining is starting to get really Soccer Mom. yesterday i read someone defend a Jews-only road with "these are people who THROW ROCKS AT CARS with CHILDREN IN THEM" lmao

the peak of that in 2016 was the 16-square-mile brush fire in november that caused a few cases of smoke inhalation and some temporary evacuations and the netanyahu gov't declared they had used drones to prove it was an "arson jihad" and arrested dozens of palestinians and tried to sell it through their pals in the u.s. press as like, the next level of terror. "LITERALLY BURNING DOWN THE HOLY LAND"