Fucks sake the skinny kidnapper guy said we have to wait until tomorrow for the pathetic concession speech

odobenidae posted:

Same here up north in SasKKKatchewan despite this being one of the most successful places for actual communist parties back in the 30s-50s.

How north? Northern prairies (battlefords etc) or the really-north northern forests? Saskatchewan is full of lonely old school prairie socialists just waitin for someone to talk to them, if there's any kind of social events in your community I'd show up and just talk to people. If anything has really disappointed me in Saskatchewan it's that the cities are rancid with centrists pretending to be left who can't connect with the rural population despite being hicks themselves.

ahahaha americans are such priviledged low-baller racist failures they're talking on c-span about moving to mexico now because "at least they'll be middle class there" instead of moving to canada where they'd have to at least pretend be functional people
lol whoops I meant north as in relation to him being in the southern states, bad wording on my part there. I'm in regina and will be going back to school in a few months. afaik there's nothing here yet, though if there is they're doing a good job of hiding it.
postin in the rhizzone just to say 'fuckin lol @ america' & 'eat shit, third way'
[account deactivated]

odobenidae posted:

though if there is they're doing a good job of hiding it.

yeah the regina "left" is based out of the university and pretty centrist, when I was at the national PIRG conference that they hosted (good on them!) we got a lot of side-eyes from the locals. and the ontarians... and the few from BC... and no one from quebec even bothered to show up... hmmmm

(the folks from halifax were rad, much love)

Do they refer to themselves as Halifacsimilies
[account deactivated]
i can't stop laughing, it is the year 2016 and we just elected donald j. trump as the 45th president of the united states of america, this is a real and true thing that happened, i will wake up tomorrow and it will still be true, amazing
Congratulations to President-Elect Donald Trump! Long may he reign!
[account deactivated]
fuck amerika
"You Can't Always Get What You Want" starts playing as Trump leaves the stage after his speech. What a night.
shit I closed the cspan window for like 15 minutes and i missed the acceptance speech? fml
There's a dude pushing a chinese t-shirt into Trumps face, and I think The Jesus And Mary Chain is playing over the stadium PA. Irony won this election.

glomper_stomper posted:

another major upset for PSL, WWP, the greens, and andrew basiago.

better luck next time, folks!!!

with 75% in, im proud to have been 1 of the 29,131 votes for our first female president, glora la riva.

Hopefully this means there'll be another series of the US apprentice
Its Schadenfraude Season Baby

[account deactivated]
all my newsfeeds are beautiful right now, legions of liberals crying and declaring the end of the world cos grandma pinochet didnt get elected, fucking lol. cheers america
she didnt even concede publicly hahaha

swampman posted:

Do they refer to themselves as Halifacsimilies

people from halifax are actually called haligonians... this is canon.

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

they're called hosers

i thought that was people from indiana

there are two basic takes popping up this morning. the first is that americans are shitty misogynist racists. the other is that the democrats suck. in a rare display of non-misanthropy i actually think the second theory is more accurate
"In an unexpected turn of events, 20.37% of Florida Trump voters say their decision was influenced by Slovenian Hegelian philosopher Slavoj Žižek..."
so when does he get his fucking peace prize?
the viet cong had a policy of only assassinating the leaders of south vietnam who were competent and honest, and leaving those that were corrupt, ineffectual or despised in power, because then the entire southern political system would be degraded in the eyes of the people..
this election has at least opened more people's eyes to the joke that is american democracy.

MarxUltor posted:

so when does he get his fucking peace prize?

after palestine is annihilated, finally bringing peace to israel

my money is on Slavoj Zizek for Secretary of State. Kissinger 2: Zhe Shequel
i may not BE....Skrillex, but I sure "dropped" the ball!
They programmed the hillbot with a concession speech and are preparing to wheel it to a podium

MarxUltor posted:

They programmed the hillbot with a concession speech and are preparing to wheel it to a podium

i really hope trump throws her in jail

people with incomes under 30k swung 16 points Republican since 2012
well now that the game is over, let's see what the big man has to say. "i would like to thank the goat man, the frog man, and especially the rat-face man for their continued support and energy."
nice pick of tim kaine for VP too. we have proven yet again that trump's big weakness is dull white guys whose main thing is they know Spanish
Trump is the triumph of liberalism. LOoking forward to this: