
Ammon and Ryan Bundy have been found not guilty of conspiracy. Their five co-defendants Jeff Banta, Shawna Cox, David Fry, Kenneth Medenbach and Neil Wampler have all been found not guilty as well.

Jurors were unable to reach a verdict on Ryan Bundy’s theft of government property charge.

The jury returned its verdict after some six weeks of testimony followed by less than six hours of deliberations, and the last-minute replacement of a juror after an allegation surfaced that he was biased.

The jury was instructed to disregard their previous work and to re-consider the evidence.

“It was a pretty jaw-dropping verdict,” said OPB reporter Amelia Templeton of the climate in the courtroom.

“The jury began by reading out the verdict for Ammon Bundy, ostensibly the leader of the occupation, and when we heard that Ammon Bundy was not guilty, it became clear very quickly that likely no one in the case was going to be found guilty, and indeed, everyone has been acquitted.”
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All Cops Are Bastards
Most of the Bundy militia turned out to be feds
i guess this is what the standing rock tribe gets for not being born white cops
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The juror who accused another of "bias" was a business major at a $20k/semester private lib arts school, who managed to get what looks like the one arguing the most for any convictions at all kicked off, followed immediately by jury nullification on all charges. Very well played. The Sovcits and militant lunatic fringe are already lionizing him.

The government fucked the case up half a dozen ways but even in america this outcome was shocking. The defense consisted entirely of the leaders admitting to everything in between wide angle family photos and appeals to jesus and parading their friends through to do a bunch of perjury.

It'll be interesting to see both how much this whips the nazi fringe up about grabbing their guns and taking other people's shit every time they see something shiny and "tyrannical," and also if this becomes a more common tactic for activists on juries.

At least there's another chance at the leaders for the Nevada standoff.
before any major court case youve gotta brief as many people in your community about the issue as possible in case theyre jury. always gotta try to nulify.

this is stupid tho tbh, reminds me of the zimmerman trial, how every crimnal defense attorney i ran into was grumbling that the gov threw the case.

Anyone who is in the US and knows about this... I'd be curious to know more. I've read up on news articles but I'd like to learn about how local leftist orgs might view their role (if any) in this particular struggle.

Someone a while ago posted this article here. Which I thought was pretty good and it has since interested me to learn more about how things play out on the ground at the moment and in near future.

every single one of those feds is fat as fuck, this world is fucking insane, irony is the only sanity,

Gssh posted:

Anyone who is in the US and knows about this... I'd be curious to know more. I've read up on news articles but I'd like to learn about how local leftist orgs might view their role (if any) in this particular struggle.

Someone a while ago posted this article here. Which I thought was pretty good and it has since interested me to learn more about how things play out on the ground at the moment and in near future.

Idk specifically what you want to know, i dont know about the role of any leftist organizations, the folks in my anarchist community who went to this are participating as medics or in direct action. I didnt go and am regretting it

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