Several sadomasochists eagerly responded to an advert posted by an Austrian woman farmer seeking clients. But they didn't get the punishment they had hoped for. Instead, they found themselves doing farm labor in fetish gear, while paying for the privilege.
To sadomasochists keen on fresh air and the country life, it must have seemed like a dream come true. A 35-year-old woman advertizing herself as a dominatrix promised strict discipline to paying clients on her farm in the northeast of Austria.
Some 15 men responded to the advert posted in the Internet, and two or three took up the offer. "They didn't get what they bargained for," a spokesman for the Lower Austria police told SPIEGEL ONLINE, confirming reports in the Austrian media in recent days.
Instead of savoring the sweet pleasure of pain, the men found themselves consigned to farm labor such as chopping wood in the nude and mowing the lawn while wearing black fetish masks on the farm near the town of St Pölten. In effect, they were paying for the privilege of doing farm work.
"They had these clothes one wears in such circles, leather and plastic clothes and masks," said the spokesman.
It is unclear how much they paid their mistress. After a week, they realized they had been duped and downed tools.
"A legal complaint was filed with the state prosecutor's office against the woman for illegal prostitution," the spokesman said. He added that the case was over a year old and that he didn't know why Austrian media were picking up on it now.
The mother of two was going through a divorce and needed the cash.
Panopticon posted:
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About me:
I am not into the bondage/BDSM scene at all. I do not go to bondage parties, I haven’t even read the super long BDSM thread in Ask/Tell. I have no idea what other people consider “the rules” for a full-time slavery relationship. I have made this up as I go along and I am now at a point where I have refined what I want to a very specific set of rules. I work a normal 8 to 5 job. Only 1 of my close personal friends knows about my tastes (although a few fellow goons are about to find out), my family has no idea, and my slaves in the past have either presented themselves as a girlfriend or wife. My 1st experience with this was in 1998 when a girlfriend asked me to control her. I found that I enjoyed it. My wife humored me at times, and other times not, but I had no complaints. Overall I have been in some form of dominate relationship for 14 years.
What is Total Power Exchange?
First off, TPE is a consensual agreement. I did not by a Eastern European girl on the black market.
It means a lot of things to a lot of different people, but the basic premise is that 1 person agrees to give up total control of their lives to another. In my particular case, this means that my slave has no possessions, no job, no checking account, no money, etc.. On the flip side, it means that I provide those things.
How did I find my current slave?
Actually SA helped with that. I posted in this thread: Brutally Honest Craigslist Ad I was married at the time, and happy, but I figured it would be fun to post one. After my divorce, I decided to actually post it for real. After wading through the inevitable spam and “OMG you freak” emails, I received a surprisingly large amount of legitimate responses.
What is a typical day like?
My slave wakes up before me, makes coffee, lays out my clothes for the day, brushes her teeth and makes my lunch. She then wakes me, we shower together, we have coffee together, and she reminds me of any important meetings or errands that require me to personally deal with.
After I leave for work, she has a set schedule that she runs through each day. There are 7 rooms in the house, so each day she cleans a different room. She exercises 1 hour each day, with the weekends off. She manages my schedule, I send her reminders and to-do’s throughout the day and she deals with the minutia. She handles my finances, pays the bills on time, buys and sells stock either on her own or when directed by me, managed retirement accounts, and so on. She cooks dinner every night. She greets me each day when I get home with a cocktail, kneeling next to my favorite chair. She has 1 to 2 hours of free time each day, which she usually ends up choosing to use to serve me anyway.
I guess that about sums it up.
mod edit: any posts that are not questions will be probated!
conec posted:heyas
hi conec hows it goin
conec posted:heyas
what are your thoughts on the professional world wide wrestling federation?
AmericanNazbro posted:conec posted:heyas
what are your thoughts on the professional world wide wrestling federation?
got any MMA fighting tips?
libelous_slander posted:AmericanNazbro posted:conec posted:heyas
what are your thoughts on the professional world wide wrestling federation?
got any MMA fighting tips?
try to kiss 'em on the lips
palafox posted:
someones been watching his bugs bunny. good move